About Me

Hi there! Welcome to these pages and do pull up a chair! I am the live person behind your computer screen, writing and sharing from my seat at the table here in southern Missouri. Recently retired from a 26-year career as a teacher, I am finding myself busier than ever, this kitchen notebook being my most recent adventure. The bulk of my teaching career occurred on the Island of Maui, the most beautiful of the Hawaiian islands.  My 30 years as an island girl influenced my outlook on Life 101 as well as changed the way I cook, and you can expect to find here a blend of Country Southern and Local-Style recipes for Hawaiian food. It is my hope that you will soon feel at home in my kitchen and that the site will prove useful to you. Hele Mai, come in, howdy y’all!

9 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Awesome blog, Katy! Looking forward to more tantalizing recipes. Not looking forward to the additional pounds I’m sure to gain. : )

  2. I just subscribed to your blog email. Jodi T told me to write. She sent me a recipe for bread that sounds delicious. I thought she was the books author and she had a good laugh about that I bet. She said I could find the recipes on your site. I am a NSC 100 disabled Vet and My husband is 30% SC vet and out pensions keep us feed and a roof over our head but not a whole lot more. ;0(

    Jackie S.

    1. Hi Jackie! I am so glad to have you following my blog; you should receive an email each time I make a new post. Jodi and i grew up next door in Marble Hill and we have so many happy memories of good cooking in our mamas’ kitchens! =) I hope you will find some dishes to try on these pages! Happy Easter!

  3. I am saving the strawberry pie and I am looking for your pie crust recipe. Can’t make that pie without the homemade pie crust.

  4. Hi Jackie… I have my pie crust recipe in my “Missouri to Maui” cookbook but here is “the short version” =)

    For a 1-crust pie

    1-1/2 cups flour
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1/2 cup Crisco shortening
    4-5 T. ICE water

    Stir flour & salt together in medium bowl. Cut in the shortening with your fingers, working rapidly, until the dough resembles small peas. Add ice water, one T. at a time, stirring with a fork after each addition. I usually use 4 T. of water and i stir it until it begins sticking together and pulling away from the sides of the bowl. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and roll out 1/8″ thick. Slide a spatula under half of it and fold it over then drape over your pie plate. Flute the edges with your thumb and forefingers and prick the raw crust all over with the tines of a fork. Bake 12-15 minutes at 400 degrees until crust browns nicely. Done! hope this will help and enjoy that strawberry pie! =)

  5. Jst discovered ur site looking for recipe for Cranberries in the Snow. I’m a ret Home Ec teacher/ elem school counselor… love to cook. Found the recipe I wanted. Thnks so much for sharing! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. I just found your website, I am saving a few of your recipes, and I especially wanted the ‘Cranberries in the Snow’, I’ve found others but I wanted a more detailed one and you had it. So thank you for sharing these wonderful recipes that remind me of my childhood.
    Oh, and I love the sound of the Green Bean Bundles, they sound wonderful.

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